
nano tech 2020 co-presentation

We exhibited at nano tech 2020 held at Tokyo Big Sight from January 29 to 31, 2020. As in the previous year, t […]

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nano tech 2019 co-presentation

We exhibited at nano tech 2019 held at Tokyo Big Sight on January 30 - February 1, 2019. This is one of the in […]

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Carbon nanotube dispersion related products

 We have developed dispersion products of carbon nanotubes, especially single wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNT). B […]

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Subsidies for manufacturing in fiscal 2016

The Subsidy for Supporting Development of Innovative Manufacturing, Commerce, and Services for Fiscal Year 200 […]

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52nd Shin Toshin Evening Salon Announced

We are pleased to announce that our company's efforts were presented at the 52nd Shin Toshin Evening Salon hel […]

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